“We hope to promote and encourage exploration of the question of gender and its implications in war, conflict, foreign policy, and security practices.”
What is WIWIP?
Women in War and International Politics (WIWIP) is a department-led and -funded initiative across the King’s College London Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy (SSPP). The initiative exists to build connections between students, staff, and alumnae whose gender identity, in any ways, intersects with womanhood. It also seeks to support and increase the visibility of these folks from King’s College London who work in the fields of War Studies and International Politics, whether as students, researchers, educators, or practitioners, and to showcase their work and achievements. We also promote and encourage the exploration of gender and its implications in war, conflict, foreign policy, and security practices.
While WIWIP specifically aims to represent and serve those who identify with any perpetuation of womanhood, we encourage anyone and everyone to get involved and to attend our events. Please contact us for details on how to get involved.
WIWIP operates within the existing national and institutional Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) frameworks. This includes the 2010 Equality Act, King’s College Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy, Dignity at King's - Bullying and Harassment Policy, Trans Equality Statement and Procedures, and King's Disability Policy. At the institutional level, WIWIP aligns with the Faculty of Social Sciences and Public Policy ED&I Strategic Plan, as well as the ED&I Committees of the Department of War Studies (DWS) and Defence Studies Department (DSD).
What is our vision?
WIWIP actively commits to creating lasting systemic change by uprooting and remedying structural inequalities that perpetuate an exclusionary status quo. We work towards fair and equal conditions at university for all staff and students. Our work is grounded in a trans-inclusive and intersectional feminism that considers power relations at various cleavages along race, religion, different abilities, class, age and other structures and aims to end all forms of discrimination and oppression. As such, we recognise the varied perspectives and needs of the staff and student body and understand ourselves as part of a wider movement for social justice for everyone. WIWIP’s overarching aim is to eliminate cultural, structural and institutional barriers restraining anybody whose identity intersects with womanhood in the fields of War Studies and International Politics.
What is our mission?
In its Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) work, WIWIP’s mission is to:
Strive to raise awareness on the importance of ED&I work and seek to foster an inclusive environment for all.
Showcase the contributions and achievements of anybody whose gender identity, in any ways, intersects with womanhood in the fields of War Studies and International Politics.
Provide an active and effective support system for these folks that fosters their potential and boosts their confidence in a male dominated environment.
Offer a protected space for these folks to connect and discuss their experiences.
Represent these folks in the Faculty’s and Departments’ Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committees and contribute towards implementing the existing SSPP ED&I Strategic Plan, the DWS Action Plan and support the DSD ED&I efforts.
WIWIP explicitly encourages male-identifying allyship and the support of those who are in a position of privilege, be it in society or academia.
Always attentive to your needs and issues, feel free to contact us via our website or wiwip-kcl@kcl.ac.uk. We are happy to assist you.